The development of the new hospital will follow a national Hospital 2.0 design approach.

This is an innovative method of building new hospitals, which will transform the way healthcare infrastructure is delivered for the NHS.

Hospital 2.0 is a standardised design for future hospitals that will benefit patients and staff through digital solutions and optimised hospital layout. It will decrease the average time to develop and build hospitals, as well as reduce costs.

The new hospital will be a state-of-the-art facility, which will serve the clinical and care needs for our communities. It will also help reduce health inequalities by driving integrated care that meets the evolving needs of our local communities.

We support the Hospital 2.0 standard concept and will continue to work with the national NHP team on delivering this approach, which we believe greatly improves patient and staff experience.

We are confident in the huge benefits this approach will bring for our people, our patients, and the local health and care system.

These benefits will be seen not only in the way health and care is planned and delivered, but also in the social value that this significant investment will bring to support the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of our local communities.